Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today I learned a new lesson about blessings and connections.

I was meeting with a new friend from one of my social networking sites to get a bit of advice.  Wow did I ever get a good God surprise!  After just a few moments I knew this meeting was divinely orchestrated.  Not only was I blown away by the connections this person had and so naturally navigated, but I was awestruck and inspired by his vision for his young non-profit organization.  He has so many pieces already coming together to make this a true reality, branching out into mentoring, job finding assistance, and charitable community outreach.  I was duly impressed.

And to top off the blessing, I was honored when he asked me to join the board of directors for his charity!  I thought I was coming to learn about networking.  I did. And I left being blessed with yet another connection that links my passion for inspiring, encouraging and helping people with the work I can do in the world.

Thanks Brian!

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