Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm Inspired!

I am so inspired by people who are not famous celebrities and yet they take their "ordinary" lives and do great things with them.  I've recently heard of and/or met people who are adopting children that other's have turned away, or are volunteering great amounts of time or money in spite of working two jobs to support their family, or diligently tending to the sick or elderly, or they've created a charity because they see need in front of their face that they can't live with.  I'm in awe at how much of their spirit they are sharing in the world.

In my book, MIGHTY INSPIRATION, Love Letters from God, the foundational message is all about identifying and using our gifts.  We have the ability to use the spirit inside of us to change our world - one person, one small act of kindness at a time.  I'm still discovering my gifts - and the best part is ... there is no wrong answer.  If my heart is leading me in any direction, it really is the best direction for me at this moment in time.  So, this month I'm adding two new community activities/charities to my plate. I do this not so that I feel better about myself but because I want to find a way to make a difference.  I want my heart and hands to join with others to create a world I'm dreaming of.

I hope that you are discovering your gifts and forging bravely into action as you stir up your passions!

Be blessed!

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