Saturday, April 17, 2010

Book Review of MIGHTY INSPIRATION, Love Letters from God

I received such a lovely book review by Barbara Robinson today and would love to share it with you.  Check out her blog at:

Be blessed!

Possibilities of Spring

There is something about spring that makes me want to plant things.  I can't explain it as I am not one for gardening or tending the yard at any other time of year.  I usually think nature is a wonderous thing as long as I just have to "look" at it.  But transformational seasons of Fall (my favorite) and Spring are just, well ... different.  Spring's air still has a crisp feel to it when the wind gets wipping up.  I love that because it brings the sent of lilacs rushing at me.  The tiny leaves and buds and flowering trees give me a sense of hope and wonder.  One would think I would have outgrown such emotions as I'm not a "spring chicken" contemplating the world.  But I am definitely a spring fan!

So, I sit and swing; plot and plan; shop and dig and bask in the possibilities of Spring.

Be blessed!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Until Now!

I had a wonderful conversation this weekend that really made me stop and pause. I'm still taking it all in actually but the 2 words she gave me are tiny in "stature" but huge in significance. Until Now!

Do you see the power in this? No matter what my complaints about my life, my body, my self esteem, my troubles, my .... whatever, can all be punctuated with the words, "until now". Until now, that was my story, or that was my reality. Until now I had limits (mostly self-imposed). Until now I struggled. Until now I didn't see the big picture. Until now.

With that ending of the sentence, I can begin a new way. Now, and going forward I can envision and declare a new way to be and feel and act and react. I am forever grateful for the positive, loving permission to change that "until now" affords me. Thank you Cynthia Segal. Your words and wisdom are powerful and empowering.

"Until now" is changing my life! Will you allow it to change yours too?

Be blessed!


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