Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm Inspired!

I am so inspired by people who are not famous celebrities and yet they take their "ordinary" lives and do great things with them.  I've recently heard of and/or met people who are adopting children that other's have turned away, or are volunteering great amounts of time or money in spite of working two jobs to support their family, or diligently tending to the sick or elderly, or they've created a charity because they see need in front of their face that they can't live with.  I'm in awe at how much of their spirit they are sharing in the world.

In my book, MIGHTY INSPIRATION, Love Letters from God, the foundational message is all about identifying and using our gifts.  We have the ability to use the spirit inside of us to change our world - one person, one small act of kindness at a time.  I'm still discovering my gifts - and the best part is ... there is no wrong answer.  If my heart is leading me in any direction, it really is the best direction for me at this moment in time.  So, this month I'm adding two new community activities/charities to my plate. I do this not so that I feel better about myself but because I want to find a way to make a difference.  I want my heart and hands to join with others to create a world I'm dreaming of.

I hope that you are discovering your gifts and forging bravely into action as you stir up your passions!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today I learned a new lesson about blessings and connections.

I was meeting with a new friend from one of my social networking sites to get a bit of advice.  Wow did I ever get a good God surprise!  After just a few moments I knew this meeting was divinely orchestrated.  Not only was I blown away by the connections this person had and so naturally navigated, but I was awestruck and inspired by his vision for his young non-profit organization.  He has so many pieces already coming together to make this a true reality, branching out into mentoring, job finding assistance, and charitable community outreach.  I was duly impressed.

And to top off the blessing, I was honored when he asked me to join the board of directors for his charity!  I thought I was coming to learn about networking.  I did. And I left being blessed with yet another connection that links my passion for inspiring, encouraging and helping people with the work I can do in the world.

Thanks Brian!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Humanity for Haiti

I am so saddened by the news that comes out of Haiti.  Whether it's about the poverty of the nation, the horrors of the aftermath of the earthquake, or the images and stories of the dead, dying, or barely surviving, I cannot watch the devastation of that nation without a profound sadness settling over me.

There is no way to understand why this happened and yet we will all search for the answers.  There have always been natural disasters on the earth that affected widespread groups of humanity. And, because of this I know that there will always be more.  For those that are gone, I believe they are safely and beautifully in the arms of God. Their journey in this world has ended only to begin their eternal communion with their Creator.

What does that leave for us? It leaves the opportunity to make an impact for those that remain. Our world's attention is drawn to this nation in a way that is opposite of how we so effectively ignored it before. We as a collective humanity can pour out our attention, our compassion, our assistance and our inborn generosity to actually change and rebuild the poorest country in our hemisphere. We can, if only we will, change the future of this nation for good in a way that we have never been willing to do before.

My wish is that humanity will reach out to other dire nations in the world like Haiti in times before natural destruction and not just after them.  I am watching and hoping that we all do what we can - whether it's money, goods, services, prayers, teaching, healing, etc. We are facing a chance to be a part of the rescuing and rebuilding of a neighbor. May God assist us in our work and may we succeed in using our gifts to make a difference, this time and the next.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This book, MIGHTY INSPIRATION, Love Letters from God, has offered me many number of new opportunities.  My life is filled in a different way as I learn about author subjects and resources, networking and marketing.  Who knew that just a year ago I'd be sitting here as a published author with fans on my FB fan page: and readers spreading the word about my books and website:  I've had many talk radio interviews in various states and on national radio.  The word is spreading and I feel so fortunate for all the opportunities!

I have a new opportunity starting up as Judi Wheeldon includes me in her work called "I Read Your Book".  She will be reading my book and blogging about it for 7 days.  I'm anxious to hear the insights of another Christian as they let in the words of God as they were given to me.  I'm excited that more and more people will hear the message and be blessed.

So, make sure you check out Judi's blog:  And to sweeten the deal, Judi will be giving a signed copy of the book to one of her readers.  Be sure to comment on her blog so you're included in the opportunity.

Be blessed!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Days

There's something about a snow day that makes me feel like a child again.  Not sure if it's the big fluffy flakes that turn to crystal on the window panes or the feelilng like everything is pure and new again.  Today I could see nothing but white as I looked out my window and it put me in a very nostalgic mood. 

I know the neighborhood kids were grateful for a romp and sled ride.  I even saw a dog running and playing, trying to catch a snowflake or too and it made me laugh outloud.  How good it feels to laugh outloud, even when I'm alone.

So, I grabbed me a big mug of hot chocolate, added in the overflowing pre-requisite load of marshmallows and just looked at the bright splendor of it.  Taking a few minutes just to marvel at the beauty of nature was a wonderful break in my day.  Clears the mind and the soul.

For those of you living in warmer climates - yes I long to join you there. But today, with the beauty that I see, I know I won't long for the summer just yet.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Counting Angels

I am so amazed every day by the number of angels that flit (and walk) into my life.  It doesn't matter if it's a special day or an ordinary Tuesday, I seem to be surrounded by them. 

Do you notice the angels in your life? Here's just a few I ran into today:

* The guy who let me into the correct lane during jam packed traffic so I wouldn't miss my exit or my appointment.
* My friend who helped me pick up my papers when they went scattering on the floor.
* The acquaintance who popped in on my facebook to see how life was for me today.
* My oral surgeon who saved me from losing a couple of teeth.
* My boss who was more worried about my safety in driving to work than in whether I got there on time.
* My neighbor who always uses his snowblower on my sidewalk without telling me - I still don't know which one it is.
* A stranger who offered to help me with some technical problems just because he knew how.
* My puppy who adores me (even though I didn't share my supper with her).
* My aunt who is so proud of me that she buys and hands out my book just because she can.
* My colleague who knew I was out so she set up my meeting for me without hesitation or being asked.
* The postal worker who kept his window open past closing because he saw me approaching the door with packages.
* My friend who prayed for me and sent me a lovely email just because she was thinking of me.

My list could go on but I just thought I'd share since I was sitting here counting my angels.  Be blessed!



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