Thursday, November 12, 2009


I have always been curious about my purpose in life.  I'm sure you have too.  But sometimes I got overwhelmed with the daily routines, the small and large hurts in life, and even the celebrations.  I got into ruts and habits that swept away my days and nights.  I made no progress on my quest to know just who I am and why on earth that I'm on the earth. 

Now that my life is much quieter, what with being an empty nester, I have time to ponder this.  That's the typical ebb and flow of life I guess.  That's what the quiet times of "middle age" affords us. 

So, I've been pondering.  Nope, I haven't found the grand answer of all answers but I have found some clues.  When I look back over my life from youth through parenthood I can see my "threads." I can see what caused me to lose my "voice" and follow someone else.  I can see the times when I was distracted by the shiny object off in the distance.  Sometimes it was the glitter of hope and sometimes just a piece of glass that was meaningless.  I can see the bright spots where my faith and passion shined through and I was carried away with excitement and purpose.

For me, there's always been an element of messenger to those bright spots.  I may not have been the hero but I could tell the story of the hero.  I may not have been the savior but I could teach about the Savior.  I may not have been the star but I can point the way to the star.  There is peace in this - knowing what my place is.  So - I can now breath and know my gift (at least it's one of the major ones). 

What is your gift?  What's that thing you do that excites you and centers you all at the same time?  Do you know?  Is your life quiet enough for you to explore?  Just wondering ....

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