Thursday, August 20, 2009


Dreaming ... lately I've been finding myself doing much more dreaming. Not the kind when you go to sleep and you never know if you are going to have a good one or a bad one. I mean the kind of dreaming when you get to create the future you want to have. Day dreaming. Over the past several years I've been doing alot of research, reading, learning, and listening about this concept of creating our own reality. I've come to believe in it on many levels. Sure you hear about the law of attraction as it relates to money because that's what we often think about wanting to attract. (It works by the way.) But I've also learned that the law of attraction is much deeper than that. I attract like minded people and the experiences I fret about or focus on. But I also attract spiritual awakening and emotional healing. Part of that is about setting the intention to be open and receiving it. I've learned how to do that. Part of it is in the willingness to open my hands and heart wide enough to loosen the grips on the barriers I set. Whether that is a long held belief or an assumption about what others think about my own ability or what I think about what's possible - I have to be aware of letting it go.

As the cliche goes, the more I know the more I know I don't know. Same here. I don't know how it all works. I don't know what other barriers I haven't bumped into yet that need to be released. I don't yet know how big my dreams can go. But I keep on dreaming. I start posing questions to myself, like, "If money wasn't an issue I'd ...." or "If I could achieve my biggest success I'd ..." or "If anyone could walk into my world I'd pick ..." These kinds of day dreams are different than the one's I used to have where I would day dream about tripping, or getting lost, or having a disagreement, or having just enough to get by ... or not.

So I ask you - are you dreaming? What kinds of dreams do you have? Are they big enough? Wildly fantasic enough? Are they ambitious enough? Are they motivational enough?

Come dream with me!

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